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2023 Call workshop

Quantum Computing and Simulation Workshop –  11th and 13th of October 2023, Venice, Italy

Quantum Computing and Simulation Workshop –  11th and 13th of October 2023, Venice, Italy The Quantum Computing and Simulation Workshop will take place between the 11th and 13th of October 2023 and it will be hosted by the Istituto Veneto in the beautiful Palazzo Franchetti, right in front of the Venice Grand Canal. The aim of the workshop […]



PASQanS2 Its a pleasure to announce that the mission initially started by the European Quantum Flagship project PASQuanS is now continued and expanded by the follow-up project #PASQuanS2. Bringing together leading  experts from research institutes, industry, small to medium-sized enterprises and start-ups from six EU member states, PASQuanS2 sets out to transform the development of […]